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Showing posts from 2018

Present-Focused Joyfulness!

During this season I always attempt to lean into the beauty of intentional action and reflection. While collective and community spirit is abound, there's no lack of information and support out there for anxiety reduction, gift-giving, cooking, and gratitude cultivation (and the list goes on) This post is about the one thing you need in order to maximize and fully drink in the power of connection:  present-mindedness. I offer you guidance in how to really dig into the magnificence around you, so that every moment you encounter can be wholly received. Often, we are passengers to our own lives just hurrying through with a task list. This is no way to live joyfully, rather, we live to accomplish versus living for the joy of living. It's not about doing, it's about being. Consider this quote,  "If I chase it, I separate into the chaser and the chased. If I am it, I am it and nothing else."  -John Lilly. Whatever this holiday season brings you, allow it to be ful

14 Ways to Make Medicine out of Suffering

Buddha transmuting arrows of illusion into flowers We have a wisdom within our being that is waiting to be born, savored and shared. It's a historic and seemingly forgotten knowingness of the God source within combined with the nectar of our unique experiences. When you incarnate, you often forget this wisdom because the veil of our dense human experience masks the truth. But it's in you. I have called this before "your special sauce" but it's really your antidote to suffering. This wisdom is the divine recipe formulated by the unique road we have traveled- the past lifetimes we have lived, the skills we have honed, the pain we have endured- all equates to awareness that informs our purpose on this planet. That medicine is the remedy or the antibody of our current suffering and also what we are meant to teach and impart to others . Rumi says it like this:  "the wound is the place where light enters you."  Essentially, once we overcome a hardship

Fear, Money and Manifestation!

Expanding your mind beyond fear is an incredible super power and I'd like to share with you how to do that so you can achieve your highest possible outcome with all things abundant, while also not avoiding the parts of you that still need healing. The first thing you need to know is this: the mind drives the manifestation ability within you. This means that you are a powerful force of receiving, or blocking things you want.  That's why it's imperative your mind is in alignment with what you deeply desire. Think about universal manifestation principles like little worker bees paving a path. This group needs a leader (queen bee) to tell them what to build, when, and in what direction. Hey, that's you! And so we direct the course of outcome with our intentions, which generate feelings, and in turn trigger actions that lasso our outcome. This happens with your awareness or not. This happens both unconsciously and consciously. Also, this door swings both ways, meaning you

You are wearing a majestic cloak of power!

You have a divine inheritance, yes you do. This article is about helping you discover the awesome cloak of wisdom, the light, or downloaded inheritance within you. And even more importantly, assisting you in learning how to access it and wear it well.  When we begin to wear our coat with awareness, we can step into our power. Here's a commitment I'd like you to make: read this with an expanded mind and heart. Do your best not to over think, or Rubiks-cube what your light is.  So yes, you are wearing a majestic cloak of power... That is to say that you come here, to this planet, with a special recipe of ingredients. This set of ingredients has been imprinted into your fabric or soul memory and serves as a unique skill set that you hold within you. Our inheritance is indeed informed by our ancestors, and we also add to it with every lifetime as we develop new skills and talents. As our conscious evolves and we learn lessons, that too becomes part of our wisdom downloaded in

We die, yes, but today we live!

This is the 3rd blog I've tried to publish in August. The inspiration and energetic push hasn't been there to finish them. I typically wait for the right energy to move through me to extend a message to you that is divinely timed and in season, and when the words aren't there, I trust that also. But miraculously, this week, the words arrived for a new topic: fragility of life. While there is no end to the striving in humans it seems -  running, sitting, shopping, cleaning, driving, exercising, working, organizing, planning, typing, scrolling, controlling scrutinizing, reading, thinking, talking, changing, buying, craving, building, saving, doing, caring for, distracting, numbing, etc, ....isn't it also true that we often live our lives in a flash and in ignorance to our mortality until it is upon us? We tend to focus on the tasks and the day to day, with our hands and minds in the past or future. By the way, if you are wondering, I am no different as I sit with

The energy of FIRE: Electricity, Passion, Anger and Action!

I am a fire sign, (Sagittarius) and I think I wear that well (most of the time) in that I embrace all things fiery- passion, movement, energy, ambition and red pepper flakes. I think I do this naturally and without resistance. Of course all coins have another side and so I also work with the energy of anger, impulsivity, boldness and recklessness that comes along with fire constitutions. Sometimes gracefully, and sometimes not so gracefully. We also all happen to be in a fire sign energy during the recent cosmic times. Mercury retrograde is happening in Leo July 25 to August 18.  If you are wondering what that means- essentially the planet that governs mental energy and communication energetically spins backward during Leo, a very boastful, fiery, leader, stage-grabbing sign. So we can expect miscommunication to involve power struggles, ego and control. While this may sound scary, there's also opportunity hidden in the flames of these fears. Here I put forth 4 powerful forces

Independence from Fear: Learning to Love the Most Important Person in Your Life

It seems only right to reflect on the ways we are free this time of year. Last year at this time I thought about being free from environmental constraints and personal beliefs that limited my full jump into private practice. This year, I reflect on liberation from a specific kind of fear.... the fear of unconditional love. Unconditional love generates from within and is cultivated by generous and warm offerings to oneself. I admit, I am better at this energy going outward versus inward. I see the fear of unconditional love being present in myself and in many of the clients I serve and it looks like this... "excuse me, I'm growing here." Resistance to unconditional love seems to serve a function of keeping a handle on self growth. For example, if I can maintain a critical eye of self, I can be ever-evolving and improving. Somehow, self-reflection slips into conditional love because we are tying self-acceptance to the process of change. It can also look like this: the

Dance My Darling. Dance with your Difficult Emotions!

I would describe difficult emotions as any emotion that you are not comfortable with. Every person has a story, experience, family model, cultural norm, or personal belief about emotions and their expression. Some are accepted, some are not. However, they still arise and fade within you, as part of you, like a visitor for a while. How we entertain these visitors speaks volumes about our "emotional intellig ence"- being aware that emotions can drive behavior  and impact people (positively and negatively), and learning how to manage those emotions- both our own and others- especially  under pressure. (Inst. of Health and Human Potential) Consider Rumi in The Guest House... "This being human is a guest house. Every morning a new arrival. A joy, a depression, a meanness, some momentary awareness comes As an unexpected visitor. Welcome and entertain them all! Even if they're a crowd of sorrows, who violently sweep your house empty of its furniture,

You Don't Need to Heal Yourself!

You are perfect the way you are. If that's true, then let's talk about this idea of "healing." I know a lot about this word- it's in the title of my business and I've been a therapist for over 12 years teaching clients, students and others about it.  So, if I believe everyone is perfect, then why the heck do I have a business called Rasa Healing??? Well, when we think of the word "healing" we may often think of getting better, doing something, taking action, purging, rewiring and possibly undergoing a surgical mental or emotional overhaul. Let's work together to consider a different perspective... Healing is actual healing of the way our mind sees the soul. We heal perspective, we do not heal ourselves. My work in the world is a practice of helping others achieve knowing-ness that they are so genuinely worthy and full. Our true self, our soul, is completely untouchable in it's purity, wholeness, divinity and deservability. Surprise!!!

Sewing Your Own Akashic Record

If we can recognize the Akasha as a powerful fluid, living, breathing library of your soul, then we can also embrace the power of the authors writing the entries. What author you say? It's you . Even though it may seem that things happening to us are unrelated to our own will, on a soul level, we have carefully and intentionally sewn in our participation. Make no mistake, we are not helpless bystanders to our own stories. We write them, along with the hand of God and within the pattern of the karmic threads we are wanting to work on. We can think of our many lives like a quilt- various pieces sewn together. There is a pattern we follow and slowly rework to new and different patterns. While we can sometimes be subject to the square we're in, we can still control where we put the needle and in what direction we sew. Therefore, it is critical that you don't check out, reject, walk away from, or worse yet, give the needle and thread to someone else to make your quilt. Sp

7 Akashic Mantras for Right Now

Lately the human experience has been heightened with the intensity of releasing shadow energy. The "shadow"represents parts of us that we choose not to integrate and that tie to unhealed aspects in our soul. This energy is now releasing in order to make way for greater consciousness. Not just on an individual level, but as a collective people, and in mother earth. This shift has meant that karmic imbalances have risen to be more seen. Patterns can't quite hide under the rug as they used to successfully and people are finding more and more, a growing desire to heal. Examples will come in all forms, types, and life areas depending on the individual. Once such example may be themes of self-worth popping up through others' rejection, greater insecurity, or seemingly coincidental opportunities where asserting values of worth become necessary. Whatever is coming up for you, it's purposeful.  Nothing is coincidental and my favorite question to ask during times like

The Beautiful Exhale of Release

Release is a word used too flippantly and I don't think it gets enough credit as being sacred. I have previously thought of it as an armful of stuff you suddenly drop, and then simply carry on as you were. Or something that strips from you like skin after a sunburn- painful and slightly annoying. I have since learned that release can be slow, gradual, intermittent, with or without your permission, and most importantly, sacred. Release happens when it's time . Divine timing can be a mysterious process of phases and seasons in life that ebb and flow like the ocean tides. If you are plugged into yourself, or in flow, you may have a sense of when you are in a stage of release. It can feel either abrupt, or ease-filled, and there are many things you can do to aid the process, or resist it. Release is nothing to be ashamed of. It's not meant to be seen as your life is "hard" or that punishment or karma is being repaid.  Release is beautiful.  It's a necessary cl

Protect Your Superpowers!

Energetic attachments can happen in many forms. One very common way this happens to nearly all of us is through energy dumping or pulling. We are subject to the slathering of energy and emotion discharged from our family, spouses, coworkers and friends. If we are in helping roles, or if we embody a care taking archetype, we are even more likely to take on others' stuff. This post, is about how to notice attachments in this form and what you can do to clear and shield yourself. I know a lot about this subject because I am notorious for taking on things empathically. Empathy is the emotion center and psychic source of the feeling sense. When I watch a commercial, hear a difficult sorry, see an especially alarming movie, and/or witness any level of seems to stick. I have developed greater insight into how this happens and have learned protection tools from teachers that have helped me to shed these attachments. While highly sensitive, I think my empathic skills are my

This Little Light of Mine...

Sometimes in the Akasha I refer to a "point of injury," or the place where a significant soul related injury may have had its birth. It can be helpful for a person to know the source of a specific pattern or fear related to the current lifetime in order to reinforce their ability to release it. This happens because when we can truly see the separation from a previous memory, and our current point of power, we can feel that the past has no real place in the present. We can choose anew. Through this critical perspective shift, we can hopefully be braver and bolder in living our purpose free of chains from our past. Something else has come to my awareness in the Akasha, and that is "the point of light." While "the point the injury" provides people with relevant and critical historical information about unhealed patterns, the "point of light" is the gift and lessons hidden within that injury. Think of it as your pure potentiality. When I conn