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Showing posts from May, 2018

You Don't Need to Heal Yourself!

You are perfect the way you are. If that's true, then let's talk about this idea of "healing." I know a lot about this word- it's in the title of my business and I've been a therapist for over 12 years teaching clients, students and others about it.  So, if I believe everyone is perfect, then why the heck do I have a business called Rasa Healing??? Well, when we think of the word "healing" we may often think of getting better, doing something, taking action, purging, rewiring and possibly undergoing a surgical mental or emotional overhaul. Let's work together to consider a different perspective... Healing is actual healing of the way our mind sees the soul. We heal perspective, we do not heal ourselves. My work in the world is a practice of helping others achieve knowing-ness that they are so genuinely worthy and full. Our true self, our soul, is completely untouchable in it's purity, wholeness, divinity and deservability. Surprise!!!

Sewing Your Own Akashic Record

If we can recognize the Akasha as a powerful fluid, living, breathing library of your soul, then we can also embrace the power of the authors writing the entries. What author you say? It's you . Even though it may seem that things happening to us are unrelated to our own will, on a soul level, we have carefully and intentionally sewn in our participation. Make no mistake, we are not helpless bystanders to our own stories. We write them, along with the hand of God and within the pattern of the karmic threads we are wanting to work on. We can think of our many lives like a quilt- various pieces sewn together. There is a pattern we follow and slowly rework to new and different patterns. While we can sometimes be subject to the square we're in, we can still control where we put the needle and in what direction we sew. Therefore, it is critical that you don't check out, reject, walk away from, or worse yet, give the needle and thread to someone else to make your quilt. Sp