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Showing posts from November, 2017

Be Grateful for Past Lives...You too (Part 2)

We meet again at the intersection of true authentic self seeing and true authentic self accepting. In Part 1 of this blog series, I shared some of my own realizations and how I've evolved to getting closer to accepting those parts of my past that are less than glamorous.  The truth is, those aspects of ourselves are the parts that bring the most lessons and therefore the ones we should cherish the most. It's such a beautiful thing to see your true self and still love every little cell. Are you up for the challenge? Sometimes getting to that place can be tricky. The process of self actualization and acceptance can sometimes be mystifying. It is definitely easier said that done and facing those darker aspects can be scary, painful and difficult. We are the authors of our own lives however, and due to that, we should know the book cover to cover. We have the ability to change the plot and rewrite the ending but the only way to do that is by knowing the characters. We can'

Be Grateful for Past Lives...I am (Part 1)

Do you know every part of yourself? I once took a hypnosis workshop geared towards revealing important past life memories. While I had a profound experience reliving some lifetimes surrounding my work in the healing arts and in bringing communities together, I also saw a lifetime reflecting some of the shadow aspects of my soul. This blog is a 2 part series about having the courage to see your soul raw, as reflected in your past lives, and to be grateful for your unique, imperfect self. Part 1 is the intimate and vulnerable account of my own awakening to this concept and part 2, will hopefully inspire yours. During this holiday season, nothing is greater than the power of acceptance and gratitude. What better gift can I give to myself, and to my son, than to love the shadows and light as one? Here's the true story of what I experienced more than 8 years ago... During a guided past life meditation, we were prompted to imagine 3 doors. We were to open each door and look ins