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Showing posts from March, 2014

And then what?

Recently I have been experiencing the beautiful soul challenge of standing in my solar plexus. For me, this means being called to examine and affirm the worth and conviction of my belief systems. The lens in which I see the world has been known to me as different and I'm happy to say that I have remained unwavering in those beliefs. For many of us, we experience the challenge of others' opinions and we either dramatically reject or softly acquiesce. It is not a comfortable experience when we are challenged.   This blog entry is dedicated to those who challenge and are challenged in hopes that the quiet voice within is strengthened. I am saddened to live in a world where hope and the possibility of change are seen as distant and unreachable goals. My perspective of the human experience is that within us exists the limitless possibility of evolution. It has been brought to my attention lately that this is "idealism." I hope to expand and exploit the inherent fallacy i