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Showing posts from July, 2017

Animal Totems: Your Spiritual Best Friends!

Animals are a fantastic way for spirit energy to find its way to people. Animals carry with them a special psychic sensitivity and support that many of us already experience in the form of companionship, inspiration, and joy. For those of us willing to go deeper, we can also learn from the spiritual messages carried by our furry, feathered, and finned friends. Each animal has a message, or theme, unique to them that we can learn from. Below are some basic answered questions about the world of animal spirit guides and 20 everyday animal messages explained. Enjoy: How do we know a specific animal totem is attempting to reach out? You will see this animal repetitively popping up in a variety of forms: you might see it, hear it, watch a commercial with the animal, dream about it, or even see a symbol of that animal on buildings or cars. I would to drive to work and see a large bird, appearing to be a hawk, on a truck that seemed to travel the highway the same time I did each day

Walking the Plank: How and When to Take the Plunge!

Know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em is a concept that requires both self-awareness and skill to answer. How do you know the difference? I often come across clients who have difficulty discerning the difference between trusting their inner voice versus allowing change to occur and be flexible. I would say most folks get this wrong and tend to adhere to one extreme or the other. There are even some of us who try to figure this out along the way but bend like the changing winds, or death grip to the wrong things and situations. But how do you know the difference? When is life calling for you to shift, and when is life calling for you to stand your ground? Here's how you know what to do when: Stop, Drop, and Listen The universe, your higher self, and your spiritual team will make it obviously clear, you just have to listen. Our lessons have a way of showing up again and again in slightly different costumes but with the same purpose. You have to be able to engage