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Showing posts from May, 2013

"I will fight no more forever"...(especially against myself)

"The path of the soldier is the wrong path because it is impossible to conquer life- the part cannot conquer the whole. Frustration and failure are absolutely certain. The soldier tries to conquer the life, and in the end finds he/she has been crushed, defeated, destroyed. Life destroys nobody, but if you fight with it, you will be destroyed by your own violence. Life is not against you. How can it be? Life is your mother. It is life that has brought you here; you are born out of it. You are a ray of it's light, a wave of its ocean. You are intrinsic and organic to it, you are not separate. The very concept of fight will poison you.The religious person is one who has no idea of separation from the whole...who never thinks, never dreams that he/she is separate...who has no private goal of his/her own..who simply moves with life in total trust. If you cannot trust life, than who are you going to trust?" (Osho, The Buddha Said ..) I was reading this excerpt and realized it