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Showing posts from June, 2017

Your true self is calling you home, here's how you get there.

Knowing your "truth" is like feeling your feet in the earth and being grounded in who you are, where you are, and why you are. It's not an easy thing to do but it's necessary for peace and the pursuit of purpose and here's why... Love is a battlefield and so is social pressure Everywhere we go, and most often under our roofs, we are influenced by social media, friends, loved ones and bosses to be what they expect, demand, or hope for. This influence, albeit subtle or hammer-like, affects us. In its most dangerous form, it's long-lasting and barely noticeable slowly taking us away from our own inner voice until we get to a point where we believe our inner voice is actually what others' have projected onto us. At that point, we're so out of touch with our true desires, we don't even remember they existed at all. It's like a poison that kills those dreams slowly. I somehow forgot what is was like to dream, like a child dreaming, like full on

8 Reasons Why Spirituality is Necessary for Happiness

We seem to be intimately aware that being spiritual, is good thing. But what is it and why? I define spirituality as a deep and intimate connection with yourself, others, and a higher power. Spirituality can also be described as being attentive to what is sacred. I just love the word sacred and use it often to emphasize the value and meaning of things, but we all think of spirituality differently. There are many ways in which people seek spiritual fulfillment and how you find it, is the right way. Some find peace in the ocean, the trees, in human connection, or in a religious church. I experience spirituality in the Akashic Records, through ascended beings, and in the eyes of the people I love; that's my religion. I recently read a study that claimed 96% of Americans believe in some sort of a God, so we all seem to be onto something, even if we can't touch it in our hands, fully define it, or all agree on it. Here are my top 8 reasons why spirituality makes people happy... 1.