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Showing posts from January, 2018

The Cosmic Flow Right Now~ Are You Surfing It?

Being in the cosmic flow is something I define as a graceful dance with the stream of forces all around us. What forces you ask? Which forces is a better question. There are so many at play: the astrological events, planetary movements, the moon schedule, the seasons, and of course our own personal karmic ebb and flow. Did you know that we are not separate from the energetic and magnetic pulls of this universe and collective consciousness? It's kind of like a "let go or be dragged" kind of thing. The good news is that these forces tend to work in harmony and all that is needed from us is to trust them, listen, and to not resist. We are best managing it, when we are surfing it. This idea can be easier said than done as you can imagine how scary it is to be abruptly blown to a new destination, or receive insight about something you need to do in your life you may be afraid to do. Well now is the time to listen and prepare. The squirrel totem has been popping up and ha

The 3 Words That Explain Spiritual Momentum

Momentum is the force that propels us like a strong, almost unconscious, current.  You can swim against it but it's definitely more efficient and productive to go with the flow. It's a lot like being on a roller coaster, the g-force is not something you can see, but it's certainly something you can feel. I get a lot of questions from clients in my practice about manifesting things they want: money, relationships, power, ease, materialism, good health, whatever. Something really interesting I've noticed by asking these questions in the Akashic Records are that people definitely have a natural momentum towards achieving some things with grace, and a total stagnation or arduousness, in achieving other things. I can tell you why this is in 3 words: karma, experiences and gifts. Karma. If you remember from my other blogs, karma is not punishment, suffering, or payment. The Masters and Guides in the Akashic Records roll their symbolic eyes at me when this comes up. T