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Showing posts from August, 2018

We die, yes, but today we live!

This is the 3rd blog I've tried to publish in August. The inspiration and energetic push hasn't been there to finish them. I typically wait for the right energy to move through me to extend a message to you that is divinely timed and in season, and when the words aren't there, I trust that also. But miraculously, this week, the words arrived for a new topic: fragility of life. While there is no end to the striving in humans it seems -  running, sitting, shopping, cleaning, driving, exercising, working, organizing, planning, typing, scrolling, controlling scrutinizing, reading, thinking, talking, changing, buying, craving, building, saving, doing, caring for, distracting, numbing, etc, ....isn't it also true that we often live our lives in a flash and in ignorance to our mortality until it is upon us? We tend to focus on the tasks and the day to day, with our hands and minds in the past or future. By the way, if you are wondering, I am no different as I sit with