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Showing posts from April, 2018

7 Akashic Mantras for Right Now

Lately the human experience has been heightened with the intensity of releasing shadow energy. The "shadow"represents parts of us that we choose not to integrate and that tie to unhealed aspects in our soul. This energy is now releasing in order to make way for greater consciousness. Not just on an individual level, but as a collective people, and in mother earth. This shift has meant that karmic imbalances have risen to be more seen. Patterns can't quite hide under the rug as they used to successfully and people are finding more and more, a growing desire to heal. Examples will come in all forms, types, and life areas depending on the individual. Once such example may be themes of self-worth popping up through others' rejection, greater insecurity, or seemingly coincidental opportunities where asserting values of worth become necessary. Whatever is coming up for you, it's purposeful.  Nothing is coincidental and my favorite question to ask during times like

The Beautiful Exhale of Release

Release is a word used too flippantly and I don't think it gets enough credit as being sacred. I have previously thought of it as an armful of stuff you suddenly drop, and then simply carry on as you were. Or something that strips from you like skin after a sunburn- painful and slightly annoying. I have since learned that release can be slow, gradual, intermittent, with or without your permission, and most importantly, sacred. Release happens when it's time . Divine timing can be a mysterious process of phases and seasons in life that ebb and flow like the ocean tides. If you are plugged into yourself, or in flow, you may have a sense of when you are in a stage of release. It can feel either abrupt, or ease-filled, and there are many things you can do to aid the process, or resist it. Release is nothing to be ashamed of. It's not meant to be seen as your life is "hard" or that punishment or karma is being repaid.  Release is beautiful.  It's a necessary cl