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Showing posts from 2020

How to Have Hard Conversations With Tough People

I believe we can do hard things together, which is why I write pieces intended to inspire you. In the past, I've written articles about why and how we benefit from loving speech . I've also written articles about the harm of polarity and how the ego plays a major role in our suffering, but this post offers real skills on how to actually have hard conversations with people you struggle with, like REALLY tough people. There's value in this work if you desire to advance spiritually, heal relationships, and achieve peace in your heart. A Course In Miracles says:  "exempt no one from your love, or you will be hiding in a dark place in your mind," and "by not offering total love, you will not be healed completely."   I agree, we cannot be fully heart-centered when we are still holding hate, fear, or resentment.  Pic: Island Mountain Pat It should come as no surprise that right now, the world is in crisis, or what the Akasha would call, in chrysalis.  Division

Are Your Spirit Guides Talking To You?

 Help is out there! If you aren't feeling it, you just might need a little support in discerning it.  The Akasha says that not everything is a sign from your spirit guides, but that everything is still feedback. You might want to know how they differ and most importantly, how to tell? When we are spiritually seeking, we tend to look at everything like a major road sign telling us we're doing it right or wrong. But that's not actually the case... Once my husband dropped and chipped a bowl he hand painted that had a lot of meaning to him, he immediately and desperately asked me  "Oh no, tell me what this means, it must mean something bad?" And I said "it means you should hold on tighter to your plate the next time you get out of your chair." He gave me a really sarcastic look and carried on. This is a story I think of often when I talk to clients who ask me about "signs" they are seeing and wanting interpretation on, they insist, they must mean

Do you want to be right, or do you want to be free?

The ego is in the way. To fully understand this, we must first grasp why the ego exists in the first place. The ego is the guardian of our deepest fears and traumas. The ego is the big bad wolf that puffs up to defend, protect and create space from you, a threat, and a core injury. Ego wounds are often developed in childhood and can carry over from previous lifetimes and compound. When the ego is activated we experience a highly charged electrical and biological response. This response triggers constricted breath, elevated heart rate, stress hormones, adrenal activation, tightness, and a myriad of emotions like fear, anger, and panic. This response is teaching you that something underneath your ego needs your attention. Unfortunately, we don't tend to go inward in those moments, we lash out at the trigger.  Examples: Oh my goodness, I'm afraid to get COVID, the government faked COVID, I'm going to lose my house, I'm going to be forced to get a vaccine, I hate people who

Meet Me On The Bridge: Coping With The 5D Transition

Akashic transmission this week: This is a time of conflict on how the world reorganizes. Where will you stand? If you are thinking which side to be on, you'd be asking the wrong question. Instead, ask, why would I choose a side? The Akasha says, be even , stand on the bridge of collaboration, and call people to join you. There are charged, electrified, and dense energetic transmissions all around us. This truly is an attempt to rope you into the chaos of fighting in extremes.  You see, when you are fighting, you are separate and immersed in the polarity, hierarchy and ego of the outdated paradigm we are departing from. When you are fighting, you are dense. When you are fighting, you halt forward progress. The initiative to suck you into fight, or another dense energy such as anger, fear or depression, is intentional. You might be asking "who exactly is trying to suck me into fight?" This is a big question with a spiritual answer and it has to do with 5th dimensional

Spiritual Immunity and Physical Invincibility

Have you been seeking support on how to feel stronger, clearer or have more energy? Recent Akashic guidance has come forward on deepening spiritual immunity and achieving invincibility with very practical tips on both what to detox from, and what to engage with. As with all transmissions I share, trust your higher self on what is intended for you and simply release what doesn't resonate. I am not a doctor and do not intend to share medical advice, this is simply spiritual channeled guidance on the powerful relationship between our physical bodies and our spiritual access. This work matters . We should care about spiritual clearing because when we are inundated by influence, we lose a bit of our true selves and worse yet, end up becoming a slave to fears or traumas triggered by others' projected fears or traumas. We want to be liberated from these things so that we can be present in the moment and wisely discern our personal truths. Our nervous system receptivity is vital