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Spiritual Immunity and Physical Invincibility

Have you been seeking support on how to feel stronger, clearer or have more energy? Recent Akashic guidance has come forward on deepening spiritual immunity and achieving invincibility with very practical tips on both what to detox from, and what to engage with. As with all transmissions I share, trust your higher self on what is intended for you and simply release what doesn't resonate. I am not a doctor and do not intend to share medical advice, this is simply spiritual channeled guidance on the powerful relationship between our physical bodies and our spiritual access.

This work matters. We should care about spiritual clearing because when we are inundated by influence, we lose a bit of our true selves and worse yet, end up becoming a slave to fears or traumas triggered by others' projected fears or traumas. We want to be liberated from these things so that we can be present in the moment and wisely discern our personal truths.

Our nervous system receptivity is vital to our overall wellness physically, emotionally and spiritually. The Akashic guides speak directly about what interferes the most with nervous system harmony. Here they are:

Energetic transmission- This type of interference with our nervous systems comes through empathy in our interactions with other humans but also comes through media, movies and text that hold anger and fear vibrations. This energetic transfer happens much like an invisible arrow that pierces our nervous system and embeds in our chakras. Each soul has different resonance and resilience with this and the key here is to avoid engagement with energy transfer because once you engage you accept the transfer and in some ways become it. For example, if you allow a fearful person to project their anxiety onto you, you become that energy. The best and most effective way to shake energetic transmissions are to simply give them no energy. The Akasha calls this "side-stepping." Imagine a dog shaking off water, do that and simply move along.

EMF's- Electromagnetic fields are frequencies that emit from cell phones, computers, microwaves, tablets, and televisions. These frequencies interfere with your nervous system due to radiation. Here are more details and solutions on that:

  • Drinking distilled and fluoride free water is key to boosting cellular and neurological resilience. The stronger the cells are, the better able we are to transmute the energy.
  • Some souls are much more sensitive than others: older folks, those with already compromised immune systems, empaths, crystalline children, those with high daily exposure to EMF's, those with ancestral history of cancer / compromised cellular structures .
  • Some souls have stronger protective factors. Specifically, souls who have strong earth or elemental composition in their astrological make-up or soul genetics. They naturally and unconsciously ground EMF through to Gaia.
  • EMF impacts the nervous system and therefore each chakra, however, there is greater harm to the upper chakras- throat, third eye and crown- because of their higher frequencies (less dense, more sensitive) and because of the position of the radiation in relation to these areas. Think: holding your phone up to your ear, etc.
  • EMF can be transmuted if you've already been exposed (which we all have) but the body is highly resilient.
  • Nature, salt water and air, living water (lakes) and the sun transmute EMF from the auric field easily. Get outside daily to give your body help.
  • Breath moves blood, calms electrified nerves, and regenerates cells. Deep engaged breathing (even better if done outside) for 15 minutes a day helps tremendously.
  • Turn off your phones at night and sleep without them in your room.
  • Place crystals like shungite, fluorite, sodalite, hematite, or orgonite near or directly on WiFi routers, computers, cell phones, microwaves, televisions.
  • Of these stones, larger ones and stones in the shapes of sacred geometry symbols or that incorporate these symbols on the stone (pyramid, flower of life, Metatron's cube, merkaba, etc.) are most effective.
  • Shungite is the only known elemental to contain "fullernes" a powerful antioxidant. This stone is the queen of EMF transmutation.
  • Even better, wear such crystals on your physical body- but ensure you clear them regularly by putting in the sun and with sage.
  • There are other synthetic EMF transmuting devices/pads/sleeves. Ensure they are effective, and do not contain materials that are harmful in other ways, not all are created equal.
  • General tips on buying EMF blockers: If you can't pronounce it, don't get it. If it's not equal or created from nature, it's not as helpful as something that is.
  • Check in with your higher self on whether you are especially sensitive, or have been excessively exposed, and consider a detox where you work with recommendations above in a more robust, immersive way.

Here is a channeled message from the Arcturian collective on technological advances: "This time on your planet will grow exponentially in its technological advances and you must be wise and discerning to take individual, empowered choices about how you choose to work with this expansion. Do not wait for collective or institutional research to tell you something is good or not. The growth that is occurring is beyond regulation like a wild weed in a garden. You must be your own guardians of wellness. That is to say, that your wisdom, medicine, solutions and awakening will be needed and assist greatly in the mitigation of the negative uses of technology. Look for the solutions being brought forward right now by younger generations on things like EMF. These solutions are there, these healers are incarnating, and YOU can powerfully choose how to engage. Stay earthed. We will all be moving towards balance soon enough."

Here's the good news, we can work with our nervous systems and ensure that we are getting the basics in: nature, sleep, breath and water. It seems simple but how many of us are operating from a place of stress, disconnection or fear? When our nervous systems become overwhelmed in these ways, it's the basics like nature, sleep, breath and water that are the first to go, yet these are exactly what our bodies need to be resilient. Here's why:
  • Immunity is inexorably tied to nerve harmony
  • Nerves become over-extended, frayed, wired and tired when overwhelmed
  • When our nervous system goes into fight, flight or freeze, our breath constricts and our adrenal system reacts
  • When breath constricts, we hold toxic energy in and then stagnation occurs in multiple biological functions
  • When multiple biological functions stagnate and constrict (think lungs, chest, intestines, colon) we experience health issues
  • The solution is always movement through an un-clinched heart and mind
  • Nature has ions in the air, sun, and earth that cleanse our auric fields. There's a beautiful exchange and surrender with Gaia- take advantage!
  • Sleep enables our higher self to assimilate and harmonize fragmentation within our spiritual, thought, emotional, and physical fields. 
  • Breath with exercise, guided meditation, dance, or in play allows for an exchange of energy AND activates the largest nerve in the body connected to relaxation- the vagus nerve.
  • Water cleanses just as powerfully as breath. Clean water is key (fluoride free) and breathing while in nature is exponentially more helpful than in a cooped up house.
  • Here's an idea: Go on a hike, while breathing big belly breaths, drink lots of pure water, and then stop to take a nap afterwards  
So helpful right? What creative ways will you intend to engage nature, sleep, breath and water this week? 

We can help ourselves achieve purity in energy, and autonomy in choice, if we eliminate the interference weighting down our vibe. We all deserve to feel, choose, experience and act in ways that are in harmony with our higher selves versus influenced by lower transmissions that feed on our karmic wounds. I hope this post inspires you to reach for your highest expression and clear all energies that are less than that.

When discernment is in place, we are invincible.

To connect to my work in the world. Check out my website HERE


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