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Showing posts from July, 2018

The energy of FIRE: Electricity, Passion, Anger and Action!

I am a fire sign, (Sagittarius) and I think I wear that well (most of the time) in that I embrace all things fiery- passion, movement, energy, ambition and red pepper flakes. I think I do this naturally and without resistance. Of course all coins have another side and so I also work with the energy of anger, impulsivity, boldness and recklessness that comes along with fire constitutions. Sometimes gracefully, and sometimes not so gracefully. We also all happen to be in a fire sign energy during the recent cosmic times. Mercury retrograde is happening in Leo July 25 to August 18.  If you are wondering what that means- essentially the planet that governs mental energy and communication energetically spins backward during Leo, a very boastful, fiery, leader, stage-grabbing sign. So we can expect miscommunication to involve power struggles, ego and control. While this may sound scary, there's also opportunity hidden in the flames of these fears. Here I put forth 4 powerful forces

Independence from Fear: Learning to Love the Most Important Person in Your Life

It seems only right to reflect on the ways we are free this time of year. Last year at this time I thought about being free from environmental constraints and personal beliefs that limited my full jump into private practice. This year, I reflect on liberation from a specific kind of fear.... the fear of unconditional love. Unconditional love generates from within and is cultivated by generous and warm offerings to oneself. I admit, I am better at this energy going outward versus inward. I see the fear of unconditional love being present in myself and in many of the clients I serve and it looks like this... "excuse me, I'm growing here." Resistance to unconditional love seems to serve a function of keeping a handle on self growth. For example, if I can maintain a critical eye of self, I can be ever-evolving and improving. Somehow, self-reflection slips into conditional love because we are tying self-acceptance to the process of change. It can also look like this: the