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The energy of FIRE: Electricity, Passion, Anger and Action!

I am a fire sign, (Sagittarius) and I think I wear that well (most of the time) in that I embrace all things fiery- passion, movement, energy, ambition and red pepper flakes. I think I do this naturally and without resistance. Of course all coins have another side and so I also work with the energy of anger, impulsivity, boldness and recklessness that comes along with fire constitutions. Sometimes gracefully, and sometimes not so gracefully.

We also all happen to be in a fire sign energy during the recent cosmic times. Mercury retrograde is happening in Leo July 25 to August 18.  If you are wondering what that means- essentially the planet that governs mental energy and communication energetically spins backward during Leo, a very boastful, fiery, leader, stage-grabbing sign. So we can expect miscommunication to involve power struggles, ego and control. While this may sound scary, there's also opportunity hidden in the flames of these fears.

Here I put forth 4 powerful forces that fire energy can have and present to you a positive spin on how you can make the most of this energy right now, within yourself and swirling in and around you...

Electricity: I see electricity like a wild fire- it moves and dances. Electric energy has a spark and manifests as a push to clean, organize, exercise and motivate. Even though this energy is fast and selfish at times, we can all use a dose of power and push in our lives. I think internally derived pure potentiality comes from being electric because it's spontaneous. It's like the positive side of impulsivity. Go ahead, throw caution into the wind this month with something that's been on your mind that feels fun.

Passion"Passion is the genesis of genius" -Galileo Galilei, and fire is the mother of passion. It burns, beats and calls to you. Passion has a zesty, alive component when it hits you- almost all consuming- to write, love, dance, or engage in another activity that feeds you on a soul level. During this month, consider how you might live bolder, braver and on stage to borrow from that Leo energy. Leadership and taking charge is especially ripe now as well so I'm hoping you consider picking that fruit and taking a big bite. Dreams are at your fingertips waiting for grasp.

Anger: Almost always known for its bad rap, I'd like to take the corner of anger as his/her coach in the ring and make a good case for its productivity. I see it as a powerful vehicle to release hurt. If you hold hurt, you build a deeper seething kind of pain that manifests as resentment and angst that settles into your tissues and turns hard. Nobody wants that, let that stuff go! Did you know that Abraham and Hicks place anger higher on the emotional guidance scale than depression because anger requires self-worth to be expressed. It is potent, indeed, but when we use it wisely for release, we are free. Consider this quote from 'The Book Of Qualities" by J. Ruth Gendler... "Anger is trying to gain Truth's friendship and respect. Anger is a meticulous reporter. He is accurate about details and insists on the facts. He never lies..."

Action: Well dang, what's better about fire energy than the thought of world domination? My son watched the third installment of Cars, the movie, and they have a character 'Cruz Ramirez,' that's the trainer of upcoming racers. Her primary motivation is to inspire cars to "use" energy as motivation to win and rise above the competition. She explores what's bothering the cars and when she hears a perceived insecurity, fear, or setback she says... "use that!" This is also exactly what we can do here. Fire breeds action folks, use that! If you've ever seen a fire burn you know that something powerful is happening... it moves, changes and transforms. Fire can get you to act, and action is a beautiful thing.

In all, take these forces as a helping hand to pull yourself into a place that your soul has been dormant with. You can see this as a window of opportunity for change. Now is the time.

Hop to it!

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