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Showing posts from August, 2020

Do you want to be right, or do you want to be free?

The ego is in the way. To fully understand this, we must first grasp why the ego exists in the first place. The ego is the guardian of our deepest fears and traumas. The ego is the big bad wolf that puffs up to defend, protect and create space from you, a threat, and a core injury. Ego wounds are often developed in childhood and can carry over from previous lifetimes and compound. When the ego is activated we experience a highly charged electrical and biological response. This response triggers constricted breath, elevated heart rate, stress hormones, adrenal activation, tightness, and a myriad of emotions like fear, anger, and panic. This response is teaching you that something underneath your ego needs your attention. Unfortunately, we don't tend to go inward in those moments, we lash out at the trigger.  Examples: Oh my goodness, I'm afraid to get COVID, the government faked COVID, I'm going to lose my house, I'm going to be forced to get a vaccine, I hate people who