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Do you want to be right, or do you want to be free?

The ego is in the way.

To fully understand this, we must first grasp why the ego exists in the first place. The ego is the guardian of our deepest fears and traumas. The ego is the big bad wolf that puffs up to defend, protect and create space from you, a threat, and a core injury. Ego wounds are often developed in childhood and can carry over from previous lifetimes and compound. When the ego is activated we experience a highly charged electrical and biological response. This response triggers constricted breath, elevated heart rate, stress hormones, adrenal activation, tightness, and a myriad of emotions like fear, anger, and panic. This response is teaching you that something underneath your ego needs your attention. Unfortunately, we don't tend to go inward in those moments, we lash out at the trigger. 

Examples: Oh my goodness, I'm afraid to get COVID, the government faked COVID, I'm going to lose my house, I'm going to be forced to get a vaccine, I hate people who wear masks, I need to wear a mask forever, I refuse to leave my house, I refuse to stay indoors, I, I, I... and so on and so forth. 

You know this response, it's captures you with righteousness, and you may respond harshly or impulsively with yourself or others. In these moments, while you might feel right and safe, you are also enmeshed with the feelings you are experiencing. They have you with a tight grip. You are not free, expansive, light, or grounded.

And what happens if you continue to live in this heightened state? Let's say, perhaps, you are in a world that is currently encircled in high chaos, conflict, change, and controversy...sound familiar? And every morning when you wake up, you feel the tug back into the drain of drama. It's almost intoxicating to be involved, to take a position, to be sucked in. The media is saturating you, so why not? That's exhausting, yet that's our planet right now. And many of us are becoming sick, fatigued and overwhelmed at this pace because the ego, and the stress hormones that come with its activation, have had no reprieve.

Shh, I'll let you in on a secret, there's no such thing as wholly right or wrong with the current events anyway, it's all kinds of grey, meant to be confusing to force cross pollination of ideas and groups. The needle is also constantly moving around so even if you were to find a place to stand strong, you'll likely get kicked off your post and challenged to think more expansively. Did you forget, this is the revolution! Dismantling is here!

And so polarity states are not freedom, or safety, or even helpful to the causes you may care about. That is because this state puts you in your lower self, which means you vibrate at a more dense speed, with less creativity, with more impulsivity, and less love. You see, the ego's main job is to look out for numero!  So unity consciousness can't possibly be the main event when the ego is desperately fighting. So eagerly defending itself, and protecting the injury below. 

The Akasha would say that we are being called to take good care of our ego right now. The ego is in the way of our healing. We should do this not just because we want to be good stewards for our families, communities and causes, but because we want to make it through this massive planetary awakening with our health and sanity. 

Here are the 2 important ways to take care of your ego:

Find that soft, tender space within yourself that feels threat, fear or trauma. What is it saying? Why is it activated? 

Listen to that space, nurture it, comfort it, talk about it, cry, paint, move, and pay attention to it. How can I soothe myself here? How can I heal what is asking for healing?

The truth is, that the reason these things are being activated right now is because these rich historical times have triggered YOUR personal karma for cleansing. So yes, while the rest of the world is dismantling and reorganizing, so are you. And while we observe COVID, racial inequity, vaccine trends, financial lack, and institutional collapse, we also simultaneously experience the internal emotional unique traumas our soul has buried deep. Also, not all people will be triggered by these things, some may feel neutral because they do not have past lives with trauma in that area. And those people are not wrong or bad, they are actually enlightened. Their souls have been there, done that, already and have downloaded the principles of that particular wound. The Akasha says that when the people begin to cleanse their internal houses, they can then join the neutral, clear, creative, innovative, loving, diverse, unity-conscious souls who are the builders of new systems in the new world. Remember, your ego, a/k/a your dense, trauma-based state, won't be the vehicle that can get you there. But it IS the red flag that alerts you to healing potential within yourself. 

So to summarize, you are either in a trauma activated state living in your ego, or you are neutral and clear. Of course we can be on a continuum of this and there may be days you teeter from one end to another, but what counts most is your ability to be skillful in coping with your own trauma responses and work towards making medicine out of them. This means you stop making how you feel about the world, the people on your social media feed, and the heaviness of the events around you. 

Enter, true accountability. 

Do you want to know why it's so hard for dogmatic or numb individuals to change their perspectives? It's because their trauma has not been dealt with and is on replay, on automatic pilot, and unable to move. To understand this affords you unique knowledge, because hopefully now you ascertain that strategies such as yelling at extremist people and positions have no effect, and only fuel the toxic polar egos of both sides. Which also means, nobody's pain gets resolved. No one really goes under the hood to be vulnerable. 

So what can you do when you meet someone with stark contrasting views from you? Well if you are truly neutral, it won't be that hard to respond. You will know in your being what is equal, fair, true and loving therefore, there will be no need to fight, defend or protect because the wounded place under the ego needs no defense. It has healing now, and that is everlasting. So you might listen, breathe, respond with love, offer different perspectives, and have no real reason to storm off angrily. You might instead walk away with inspiration for how you might want to contribute to this cause in a new way, with more insight, and with renewed curiosity. 

Can you see how this works? This is the recipe to change the world my friends. Many of us, including myself, have more work to do to purify and tend to the karmic injuries crying out for help. But for the love of yourself, your children, and the world you want to live in, stop projecting all of that pain outward. To be free is far more important than being right. To be free, means you become an embodied instrument for love. To simply be right, whatever that means, does no good on a planet rapidly shifting towards a "we" consciousness. It only means you are right, that is all. And that seems so very small in comparison to what humans are truly capable of on this planet. 


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