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This Little Light of Mine...

Sometimes in the Akasha I refer to a "point of injury," or the place where a significant soul related injury may have had its birth. It can be helpful for a person to know the source of a specific pattern or fear related to the current lifetime in order to reinforce their ability to release it. This happens because when we can truly see the separation from a previous memory, and our current point of power, we can feel that the past has no real place in the present. We can choose anew. Through this critical perspective shift, we can hopefully be braver and bolder in living our purpose free of chains from our past.

Something else has come to my awareness in the Akasha, and that is "the point of light." While "the point the injury" provides people with relevant and critical historical information about unhealed patterns, the "point of light" is the gift and lessons hidden within that injury. Think of it as your pure potentiality. When I connect to the energy of the Akasha, guides and teachers become wide eyed and hopeful about the point of light because it holds the opportunity for growth. Yes, yes, we bump our heads into unbalanced patterned ways of being and humans sometimes saturate themselves in the injury. However, just barely on the other side of that is the most beautiful opportunity to extract infinite blessings from perceived struggle. Rumi describes it perfectly "the wound is where the light enters you."

So what does this look like? An example is an abusive unhealthy relationship. Immersed in this pattern, it can feel riddled with suffering, heartache and inequality. If we were able to learn all that could be had in that pattern, we might develop a convicted sense of justice, equality, self-love and boundaries. By learning these very valuable skills, we become intimately proficient at using and teaching them. That's when we start to share it. And sharing it brings others to the lessons as well. We're all on a continuum of healing and we tend to group together as souls on a similar path. It's like a light we see in the darkness by someone ahead, we see it and follow it.

There seems to be a critical need this season in humanity to encourage light leaders. The gap from one heart to another heart has been expansive for too long. We need people in the middle, shining their lights from mile marker to mile marker encouraging and teaching others to walk just a little bit closer to them. Did you know that you have a distinct divine recipe of skills that can help to heal others?

Here are some tips for accessing and shining your own individual light:

  • Think about what wisdom you have that has come from a past pain
  • Make a list of all the lessons you learned from it, name them!
  • See the point of injury as a gift of insight, and nothing more
  • Stay out of the problems or stories about what's wrong with you
  • Dive into the special skills that are unique to you. Illuminate them!
  • Reflect on how you are actively sharing your wisdom with others
  • How can you do more of that good stuff that only you can do?
  • Shine, shine shine!
Sending you the power to see the positive within you and the courage to be the light wherever you stand on this planet. "As we are liberated from our fear, our presence automatically liberates others." 
-Marianne Williamson 

Learn more about my practice Rasa Healing here


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