In the Akashic Record, guides and teachers have much to say about how we might show up curiously with negativity in a way that meets the following criteria: engages from the highest possible place, while taking responsibility for our own karmic trigger point, without ignorance and avoidance, and yet not fueling the negativity by reacting to others' projections. Sound impossible? Want to know what inner resources you need to do this work? I would say it takes a checked ego, open heart, courage, and skillfulness to be a negativity transformer. I would say it's a daily practice and one heck of a super power.What is community negativity really?
Community or collective energetic difficulty can be felt as coming from your familial, cultural group, government, employer, or other system that has rules- spoken or unspoken, direct or indirect-that impact you in oppressive ways. Negative energy is certainly subjective, but in this case I'll define it like this: framework or structure that doesn't consider the autonomy, inclusive rights or freedom of its members often leading to harm and subjugation. These systems are often formed, reinforced and executed by ego and the fear-driven individual with charm and influence. These systems are held together by legacy and routine.
While this sounds epic, we've become accustomed to this type of negativity and often don't even notice it- it becomes normal. It can be right under our nose- in the culture of families, for example, who shame members for choosing alternative lifestyles that differ from the family norm. Other examples might be gender norms, racial bias, unspoken customs or laws that exclude or include people unjustly.
What can you do about it?
To start-there's a lot you can do. Any internal dialogue about being a small speck on this large planet unable to change the masses is nonsense. You are a powerful energy of light and influence that was made to shine a very special sauce only you can give. So, to start, that's why you are here and the world needs you. I need you.
Systemic and community negativity is best met by refusing what I call "the blend in." The blend in is a process of acclimation that involves resignation of your individuality, voice, energy, skills and gifts that would dissent from the majority. By being yourself, the world experiences diversity and variety- and what a nice thing that is. When you blend in- you give no opposition or opportunity to consider new viewpoints. So yes, changing the world involves advocacy, but it's a type of advocacy that means you show up in your fullest expression authentically. Consider this: "Sometimes it falls upon a generation to be great, you can be that generation."--Nelson Mandela
You can also do something really radical in addition to being yourself-you can love the other person exactly where they are. Love is radical, stunningly, because for some reason, it's not a weapon we use with the oppressor. Imagine a tug-of-war where you let go of the rope and hug the other person. You win the game by completely changing the rules. You also don't get pulled to the other side by letting go of the rope. You get pulled to the other side by holding on. I know that love is the power that changes the world because it's the opposite of fear, and fear is at the root of oppression. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that."-MLK
And so I say, Love neutralizes hate, includes separation, and eases fear. Think about this hypothetical: Here I am, calmly and incessantly reflecting a mirror at you of diversity and uniqueness you can't ignore, that challenges your reality, and instead of fighting you, I welcome you by emanating love and compassion for you. Can you imagine the invincibility of that position? For those angry folk out there, take a deep breath. The anger position just yields more anger. An eye for an eye yeah? No one wants that. I want both my eyes when I leave this planet. And p.s., that vibration lowers you to the oppressor's level. If you find yourself struggling with that, I invite you to do some forgiveness work. Real change happens when we stand steadfast with our values in diversity with an open heart. I talked about that once, if you want to watch it, the video is here.
To recap:
- Know your value and uniqueness
- Be yourself in all the bold ways you were born to
- Stand firm
- Love others as your weapon
- Resist anger, it ain't helpful
Do you agree with this? I write about it because it's always a highly debated topic and it remains a current event. I invite you to learn more about this and your own special sauce by following me and connecting. Check out Rasa Healing on Facebook and Instagram. I'm totally here to love you. You can learn more about my practice Rasa Healing here.
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