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"There will come a time when you believe everything is finished...

...That will be the beginning." --Louis L' Amour

Endings are merely new beginnings within the same circle of lessons only with higher vibrations. My life experiences have led me to greater levels of awareness and insight into the limitless, divine powers in my being. Shifting and changes are the avenues that lead to the path of my destiny. Sometimes however, I see these roads as scary. I know though that the challenges I experience are human in nature and exist as fear of losing and letting go. Why can't I be a Buddha everyday? The human experience is funny like that, in how we grasp and hold onto matters no longer meant for us. It's like a tug of war with spirit. We are afraid of loss. When we hold tight, life becomes more challenging. The exhaustion that comes from enduring a difficult life experience undoubtedly gives way to a serenity at some point. We have no choice but to surrender. A cycle is complete, a lesson learned, a loss gaping, a tired soul. Must we only meet serenity with exhaustion or can we embrace the beauty of grace amidst a storm of change? Om Namah Shivaya is Sanskrit for hail and praises to the old in my life, for I give thanks and permission to let it crumble, to let it go. We would be wise to do this because it allows for new things on the horizon to emerge. Great Shiva reminds us that the ashes of things no longer serving us are but the seeds of tomorrow's blessings. All things that are removed from our lives, all endings, all losses... are sweeping our consciousness to make room for the new. The great poet Rumi says this best in his poem "The Guest House."

"This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.
A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
as an unexpected visitor.
Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they're a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still, treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out
for some new delight.
The dark thought, the shame, the malice,
meet them at the door laughing,
and invite them in. 
Be grateful for whoever comes,
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond."

If we lived like a beautiful leaf separated from its mother we would be happier. I can't help but notice how leaves blow in the wind with joy and eager anticipation at their next destination knowing they cannot control the seasons. Could we also practice the same? Dare we strive for this if it meant we could live more peacefully, experience more magic and manifest our dreams? I proclaim to know but only a fraction of what life has in store for me but am becoming more intimate daily with the divine recipe that allows me to experience bliss in its fullest potential. I am finding that this bliss is revealed to me by accepting change gracefully. This blog is a dedication to that process within each of us. These are my valuable and precious lessons in progress and I offer them to you because I believe we are all on the same path to enlightenment. Let us enjoy the journey together.

Om Namah Shivaya!


  1. Children of the universe, please share your comments here... :)

  2. A beautiful blog, Candice!! Thanks for sharing. I look forward to more of the same. :)

    "An exploration of fearlessness, grace and manifesting everything!"

    LOVE it!!!! <3


  3. Your faithful fans and followers are eagerly awaiting your next inspiring post of light and love.

  4. does the leaf spend its time waiting for fall season where it withers and dies? I think makes the most of its time during the seasons supporting the tree, providing shade and protection for us ...making the most of its existence. Something, I too, am learning to do not only wait for the next force of nature to happen to me anymore but embrace the most out of life and shine in the sun and bathe in the rain. Be one with my "inner self ". Embracing my uniqeness like the leaf ...each one different from the other

  5. I miss you wise words...So glad that I have found you...


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