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Protect Your Superpowers!

Energetic attachments can happen in many forms. One very common way this happens to nearly all of us is through energy dumping or pulling. We are subject to the slathering of energy and emotion discharged from our family, spouses, coworkers and friends. If we are in helping roles, or if we embody a care taking archetype, we are even more likely to take on others' stuff. This post, is about how to notice attachments in this form and what you can do to clear and shield yourself.

I know a lot about this subject because I am notorious for taking on things empathically. Empathy is the emotion center and psychic source of the feeling sense. When I watch a commercial, hear a difficult sorry, see an especially alarming movie, and/or witness any level of seems to stick. I have developed greater insight into how this happens and have learned protection tools from teachers that have helped me to shed these attachments. While highly sensitive, I think my empathic skills are my super power so I can't just shut them down. My service in the world through Rasa Healing is all about heart healing, so in order to be fresh, available and vibrationally pure, it's critical I develop healthy ways to use my super power of empathy. If you too want to be open, loving and heart-centered but totally strong and grounded, you can. There is this magical place in the world called the powerful invincible love place, meet me there!

Here are some tips and feedback that you can also apply to your life so that you can be empathically vulnerable, fearless and totally protected...

Ways to shield yourself:
  • Invoke immediate awareness of separateness from the energy. You are not the energy, you are observing it.
  • Imagine protective light or energy 
  • Resist the temptation to move closer to it, just offer healthy space and presence.
  • Deep slow breaths where you imagine emotions and energy rolling downward like a waterfall in front of you.
  • Say no. That's right, no is a form of love and boundary-setting is the vehicle. Love yourself enough to say no to situations, tasks and people who attempt to drain you.
Signs you may have picked up energy:
  • Sudden onset of fatigue, irritability, anger, sadness, anxiety 
  • Sluggish feeling in your home 
  • Fear, unease and a sense of rawness
  • Thinking about previous people or situations with a sense of lingering
  • Out of character thoughts 
  • Disturbing nightmares
  • A feeling sense of being overwhelmed by many emotions
Ways to release energy attachments:
  • Earthing, getting bare feet into Gaia
  • Salty ocean swims or baths
  • Sage yourself and home
  • Singing bowl or mantra music
  • Chakra clearing meditations 
  • Sweat through exercise 
  • Protection and releasing prayers
  • Calling on your protector guides a/k/a your big guns
These tips are just a few, if you know of others, I would love to hear about them. In the Akasha, I often receive insight on protection tools appropriate and specific to the individual so if you haven't asked this question, I encourage you to do so in a future session with me.

On a last note, sometimes the idea of shielding and protecting can feel like people and situations are not safe. While it is true that some folks aim to dump energy onto you intentionally, in many cases,  it happens unconsciously. It helps to see the world and the beings in it as energy and that as such, we are seeking the light in the best way we know how. By not taking things personally, you can avoid energy attachments. So go ahead and walk around with confidence and consciousness. I encourage not to attach to others through fear or anger because that is just another door in which their energy gets invited into your experience. Be clear and grounded. Be connected but side-stepping of others' outputs.

If you like what you read here, check out my recent video on Youtube on how Love is the Answer!


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